Thursday, May 31, 2007

Perfect Romantic Getaway Resort - Elysia Resort, Quesnel Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Planning a honeymoon...or a romantic getaway to bring back that honeymoon spirit? Then you've come to the right place.

Elysia Resort can offer you a unique BC romantic getaway of special interest to lovers in search of a honeymoon or a weekend away.

Romance & Families:

- Weddings - Elysia Resort on Quesnel Lake can provide one of the most romantic and unique destinations for your wedding.

- Romantic Getaways - Offer you a unique BC Romantic Getaway

- Family Reunions - Plan your reunion for you, so you can relax and enjoy your family.

- Rejuvenation - Great way to recharge your batteries - restore energy, alleviate stress, soothe nerves and encourage a sense of peace and calm that you can take home with you.

Reach Us :

Elysia Resort
on Quesnel Lake
P. O. Box 4069,
Williams Lake, BC, Canada, V2G 2V2

Phone: 250.243.2433
Fax: 250.243.2433 (phone 1st)

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